Coffee with…
The idea of “Coffee with…” is to capture my encounter with an inspiring person as genuinely as possible and to emphasise our meeting as flesh and blood persons to fight the creeping domination of disincarnated relations of social media.
…Jenda Váňa
sociologist and creative writer
Jenda is a PhD student of sociology at Masaryk University in Brno. In his research, he develops a model for approaching literary fiction as an autonomous source of social knowledge.
I met Jenda during his Junior Patočka Fellowship at IWM in winter 2021. Since Jenda and I share the passion for literature, I was interested in the intersections between his creative writing and academic work.
However, before we talk together, let us have a foretaste in the form of Jenda’s own writing…
We have heard an excerpt from Jenda’s writing which actually reveals a lot about his two worlds of literature and academy. However, Jenda tells us more in the following short interview…
Thank you, Jenda, and good luck with your work!