The Two Sarahs: Victimhood in the Bible and Its Reception

This project presents a nuanced exploration of gender dynamics within the context of biblical sacrifice, grounded in feminist and gender philosophical-theological inquiry. Drawing from the rich tapestry of biblical exegesis and literary analysis, this study delves into the archetypal narrative of sacrifice, guided by the insights of Julia Kristeva's psychoanalytical philosophy.

Through a comparative lens, this inquiry juxtaposes biblical narratives with select works by Margaret Atwood, including “The Handmaid’s Tale” and “The Testaments”. Central to this examination is the concept of “double victimhood,” which illuminates the complexities of long-term oppression and its manifestations.

 By examining the portrayal of biblical matriarch Sarah and her contemporary counterparts in Atwood's literature, such as Aunt Lydia and Handmaid Jeanine, this study highlights the intersecting themes of oppression and self-sacrifice.

 While the study acknowledges the issue of gendered violence, its primary objective is to uncover the underlying origins of violence, situating it within broader power dynamics. Through this academic inquiry, we aim to deepen our understanding of gender, power, and sacrifice in both biblical and literary contexts.

This project is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) 10.55776/V1047.